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Lost Planet 2 Co Op Split Screen

Lost Planet 2 Co Op Split Screen


6 Jun, 2017 @ five:35am

Are you lot kidding me

Originally posted past Vice :

Are you kidding me

no, IS THIS GAME KIDDING ME!? i played this game in my xbox 360 with my brother few years ago, and i almost buy this ♥♥♥♥♥ game for pc

Originally posted past TheDiMeTroX:

srsly tard developers

To begin with acquire to spell and secondly if you lot wanted to play co op you should have checked earlier buying the game. Information technology's your fault not the games

Originally posted by xldcreflexlx :

Originally posted past TheDiMeTroX:

srsly tard developers
To begin with learn to spell and secondly if you lot wanted to play co op yous should have checked before buying the game. It's your fault not the games

the game sais its coop, well, thats BS
and it was known its coop split screen in consoles, its just a scam, and go fk urself

Originally posted by xldcreflexlx :

Originally posted by TheDiMeTroX:

srsly tard developers
To begin with acquire to spell and secondly if you wanted to play co op you should have checked earlier buying the game. It's your fault not the games

and to exist honest, i wasnt buying this crap, i already bought it for xbox 360, im not ownership it for ♥♥♥♥♥ second fourth dimension, i was gonna download it cracked, only no coop = fk this game

Originally posted by TheDiMeTroX :

Originally posted past xldcreflexlx :

To begin with acquire to spell and secondly if you wanted to play co op yous should take checked before buying the game. Information technology'due south your fault not the games
the game sais its coop, well, thats BS
and it was known its coop split screen in consoles, its just a scam, and go fk urself

Well if you had a brain y'all would know that information technology is co op online the store page mentions nothing about carve up screen then it's your ain fault it's actually that simple and btw I'm reporting you now for being a moron :steamhappy:

While it sucks that it doesn't have split-screen on PC, information technology is pretty uncommon for PC games to have local multiplayer. LP2 wasn't even supposed to have divide-screen on console to begin with. We had to beg for information technology and it ws added fairly tardily in evolution.

Originally posted by Vyr'sai :

While it sucks that information technology doesn't take split-screen on PC, it is pretty uncommon for PC games to accept local multiplayer. LP2 wasn't even supposed to have split-screen on panel to begin with. We had to beg for it and it ws added fairly late in development.

Do you lot still play lost planet 2 or i ? I'd beloved ot play some multiplayer and from your profile I see you ready a discord grouping :D

steam page just mentions multiplayer and coop, and games with dissever screen are COOP
♥♥♥♥ this game
i dont intendance

Games with local multiplayer will take "Shared/Divide-Screen" in the tags. Something to keep in heed when yous're shopping for some other game. :steamsalty:

Originally posted by Vyr'sai :

Games with local multiplayer will take "Shared/Split-Screen" in the tags. Something to go on in listen when y'all're shopping for another game. :steamsalty:

you are right i hadnt seen that ♥♥♥♥♥ tag, well fk this game

Originally posted past TheDiMeTroX :

Originally posted past Vyr'sai :

Games with local multiplayer will have "Shared/Split-Screen" in the tags. Something to continue in mind when you're shopping for another game. :steamsalty:
you are right i hadnt seen that ♥♥♥♥♥ tag, well fk this game

"♥♥♥♥ yous devs, my dumbass didn't cheque to run across if information technology was LOCAL co-op! ♥♥♥♥ you, I'm no longer going to pirate your game."

Lost Planet 2 Co Op Split Screen

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